The following guidelines are mandated for participation for classes at the Bolingbrook Park District.

Let me know what other precautions you would prefer to see in class
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The following guidelines are mandated for participation for classes at the Bolingbrook Park District.
Let me know what other precautions you would prefer to see in class
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Derong Modern Arnis will be at the Destination Asia Festival at the Morton Arboretum.
We will be performing a Demo with Katipunan Illinois at 3pm on Saturday at Location 2 – West Lawn Martial Arts. Hope to see everyone there!
Please check out the PDF for a list of events as well as a map of the event.
Just a friendly reminder that tommorrow (Tuesday Jan 15) starts the 1st session of the year. Hope to see everyone there!
Youth Arnis
Dates: 1/15/2019 – 3/26/2019
Code: 200542-A01
Adult Arnis
Dates: 1/15/2019 – 3/26/2019
Code: 200544-A01
For more info